OfficeNameDakshin Gangotri B.O
statusBranch Office(Non Delivery) directly a/w Head Office
HeadOfficePanaji H.O
Location*** Taluk of North Goa District
TelephoneNot Available
Postal Department InformationGoa Division Goa-Panaji Region Maharashtra Circle

Dakshin Gangotri Post Office at indian territory of Antarctica, covering an area of more than India and China put togather, occupies the southern most part of the globe, with 90% of the area being covered with a 2-Kilometere average thickness of ice. Dakshin Gangotri, having become operational from 24 February 1984, is the permanently manned scientific station located along 70*05' South latitude and 12* East Longitude. The Post Offiec at the station forms part of the varied life support systems at the station, which include an ice-melting plant, generators, an office, laboratories, storage accomodation, recreation facilities, living and working accomodation, a clinic and bank counter. the Department of Post started sending philatelic mail to Antarctica with the Third Indian Scientific Expedition in 1983-84. On the return of this expedition to India, a special cancellation was brought out by the Department of Post at Goa. Between 1984 and 1987, this process continued for the fourth, fifth and sixth expeditions also. On 26 January, 1988, a Post Office was established at Dakshin Gangotri under the Goa Postal Division. Congratualtory messages were received from the President and Prime Minister of India on this occasion. Shri G. Sudhakar rao, a scientist, who went to Antarctica as a member of the Seventh Indian Scientific Expedition in November, 1987, was appointed as the first Honorary Postmaster. More than 10,000 articles of the letter mail wee posted and cancelled at the Dakshin Gangotri Post Office completed its first year of continuous existence. This stamp is issued to commemorate the second year of the Dakshin Gangotri Post Office. Text based on material supplied by the Deparment of Ocean Development.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp depicts the Dakshin angotri Post Office building in its ice-bound surroundings amidst other establishments of the Indian Scientific Station, Dakshin Gangotri, Antarctica. It is designed by by Shri Sankha Samantha and produced at Inida Security Press, Nashik Road. The first day cover depicts the Indian Scientific Station at Dakshin Gangotri, Antarctica. The cancellation is designed by Ms. Alka Sharma.

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