Q1. Any SAS/MPKBY/PPF agent cannot act as an agent or messenger of a depositor for the purpose of withdrawal from his/her saving bank account.
The Above-mentioned statement is
a. True b. . False
Q2 A pensioner can now open pension account either individually or jointly
a. True b. False
Q3 Retired employee of any govt. department can draw pension through
pension account.
a. True b. False
Q4 MIS account in multiple of Rs. 1500/- can be made instead of Rs. 1000/- MIS and the maximum limit of investment in a single account has been raised from Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 4.5 lakh and in joint account opened by two or three adults; the maximum limit has been raised from Rs. 6 lakh to Rs. 9 Lakh.
a 1.8.2007 b. 12.5.2008 c.30.08.2009
Q5 . of admissibility of 5% bonus on maturity amount of MIS accounts opened on or after
a. 28.12.2008 b. 25.12.2007 c. 08.12.2007
Q6 With effect from------------------, all Single/Double handed Sub Post Offices, at the time of closure/premature closure of RD/MIS/SCSS accounts will collect closed passbook from the depositor and attach the same with account closure form and send in a manner as prescribed for dispatch of vouchers and LOT to HO.
a. 15.2.2008 b, 11.06.2010 c. 23.06.2010
Q7. As per provisions of Section 269-T of Income Tax Act, amount of any repayment of deposit or loan together with interest made with Department of Posts if becomes Rs. 20,000/- or more, it can only be made by account payee cheque or account payee bank draft or by crediting into Savings Bank Account if standing at the same post office.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q8.The reinvestment of matured certificates / deposits either in the same scheme or in any other schemes through the Post Office authorized Agents is admissible except in case of redeposit made in ----------account under Sub Rule (3) of Rule 6 of POTD Rules 1981 in which redeposit is made retrospectively from the date of maturity
a. TD b. MIS c. RD
Q9. NRIs cannot invest in any of the Small Savings Schemes and Power of Attorney cannot open any account in any of the Small Savings Schemes.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q10 A blind/visually-impaired person can open and operate Savings, RD, MIS, TD, SCSS, PPF accounts and also purchase NSC VIIIth Issue or KVPs in his/her name independently.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q11. NREG accounts will be ----------------------and also cannot be converted into single or joint at a latter stage
a.. Non-transferable b. Transferable
Q12. From -------------, the transferring Head Post offices will dispatch Advice of Transfer (AT) by Service Insured Post for Rs.100/- duly sealed instead of Service Registered Post.
a. 16.03.2009 b. 12.06.2010 c.15.05.2008
Q13. present the Counter Assistant is authorized to receive deposits and allow withdrawals up to Rs.--------------/- in savings accounts only under his own power without showing the documents to the Ledger Assistant and the Supervisor.
a. 5000 b. 2000 c .4000
Q14 The date of credit of cheque in case of RD/PPF account will be the date of
a. Date of Clearing b. Date of Presentation of the cheque
Q15 Postmaster includes Sub-Postmaster, Branch Postmaster, Dy. Postmaster, A.P.M and SPMs in charge of SB Branch should not act as an agent or messenger of a depositor for the purpose of withdrawal from a saving bank account standing open in his office
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
General Knowledge of Postal Activities
Q1,Maximum preservation period of SO Daily account
a. 1 year b. 2 year c.18 months
Q2. Claim application form for settlement of Savings Certificates of the deceased holder where no nomination is registered or no legal evidence is produced
a. NC14 b. NC15 c. NC16
2. Maxi,mum amount handed over to Postman to MO payment is Rs --------------- For Urban Area.
a. 20000. b. 30000. c. 50000
Q3 Fee for Issue of Duplicate Passbook is Rs
a. 10 b. 15 c. 50
Q4 Physically handicapped persons can also eligible to take PLI policies for sum of Rs---------
a 100000 b 20000 c 300000
Q5 Certificates, Rules ---------1960 and Post Office Savings Bank Rules, _____________
a 1960, 1981 b 1981,1965 c 1963.1983
Q6 India Post provides various types of through its network of 1,55,516 post offices
A 155516 b 155515 c 150000
Q7 All complaints pending over 1 month will be brought to the notice of circle office for seeking guidance for their settlement.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q8 Heads of the Grievance Cell is
a Deputy Director General (Public Grievances & Quality Assurance b Director (PublicGrievances and Work Study) c Postal Directorate
Q9 Post Forum was introduced on
A 12 03.1962 b 15.03 2000 c 10.9.90.
Q10 The Indian Post Office Act -------------
A 1885 b 1896 c 1898
Q11 The maximum value of stamps to be kept in stock will be fixed by Divisional Head for Non-Gazetted Postmasters.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q12 Unclassified receipts -----------------
A Form ACG.6 b Form ACG 6(a) c ACG
Q13 Prevention of Money Laundering (PML) Act -------------
A 2002 b 2007 c 2008
Q14 The entire country has been divided into ==========circles
a 15 b 16 c 22
Q15 No registered articles of any kind will be delivered to the addressee unless and until he or his agent authorized in writing has signed a receipt for it, in the prescribed form which will be presented to him for signature by the postman who delivers the registered article
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Based on conduct rules, Citizen chart .Consumer Fourm.Products of Indian Postal Department
Q1 Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rule 1964
Q2 The CCC rules shall not apply to any extra departmental Agent in the Posts and Telegraphs Department who does not hold any other post in connection with the affairs of the Union.
Q3 Time frame for closure /premature of accounts at sub office
a. same Day b. within 2 working day c within 3 working day
Q4 Time frame for Issue of duplicate passbook
a. same Day b. within 5 working day c within 7 working day
Q5 There is three-tier system of consumer forum.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q6 For complaints up to Rs.20 lakhs will be handled by
a. District Consumer Forum b. State commission c. National Commission
Q7 Norms for Mail Delivery Standards in Inter State is
a. 2-3 days b Same day c. 3-5 days
Q8 . Citizen Charter includes -----------
a. Grievance Redress b. Details of customer . C. Charter of Duty
Q9. ------------ was the first commemorative post mark of Independent India
a. Jai Hind B. Jai javan C Jai Kisan
Q10. The First digit in Pin code denotes the ------------
a. District b . Circle c .Division
Q11 Direct Post means
a. Distribution of advertising materials directly to prospective customers. b. sending parcels weighing up to 35 kg across the country. C. pre-mailing solutions including collection/printing, inserting, and addressing
Q12 The postal service comes under the Department of Posts which is a part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology .
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q13 . Ordinary post cards and competition post cards differ with respect to ________.
a. Colour and price b. Weight and price c. Size and price
Q14 i. Aerogram is used to send written message to __________. i.
a. Selected Foreign countries. B. Foreign countries c. Within India
Q15 Postal charges on ordinary inland parcels vary according to _______.
a Weight b. Size c. Content
Q16. The postage on Book Post mail is _______ than that on sealed envelopes.
a. more b. higher c. Less
Q17 . Inland letter cards should be used instead of post cards when the sender of a message
wants to convey any ________ message.
A Secret b. open c. urgent
Q18 . Speed post service is available in all post offices.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q20 Advertisement of products and services can be done through post office by using the
facility of _____ post.
a. Business b. Media C. Direct
Q21 To ensure payment to the right person we can _________ the postal order
a. Cross b. Mark c. strike out
Q22 Post office offers Rural Post Life Insurance facility for the benefit of weaker sections
of our society .
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q23 Speed post service was introduced on
a. 1st August 1986 b. 2nd April 2002 c. 3rd April 1991
Q24 Allowing transfer of huge amount of money through
a. Bulk Money Order b Instant Money Order C. Corporate Money Order
Q25 . A Government employee who is 52 years of age can insure his life at post office.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q1 India Post’s products and services will be the customer’s first choice.
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q2 Minister of Communications and Information Technology
a. Shri. Gurudas Kamat b. Shri Kapil Sibal C. Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Q3 The transaction not included in primary service of Indian Postal Department
a. Sale of stamps and Stationery b. Western Union Money Transfer c. Booking Registered Article
Q4 The Post Office Savings bank Scheme is an -------- function performed by the Department of Posts on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
a. Primary b. Secondary c. Agency
Q5 Interest rate of 3 Year TD Account
a. 7.25% b . 7.50 c. 6.25
Q6. Rate of interest ------% for Kisan Vikas Patra (compounded yearly)
a. 5.8 b. 8.2 c. 8.4
Q7 Electronic Money Order (eMO) launched on 10.10.2008
a. 10.10.2009 b. 10.10.2008 c.11.05.2009
Q8. Instant Money Order (iMO) introduced on
a. 01.01.2010 b. 25.03.2011 c.20.01.2006
Q9 Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) scheme was also introduced in ----- for the benefit of the entire rural people.
a. 1986 b. 1985 c. 1995
Q10 The Department also provides the facility of online registration and response to complaints at its website
Q11. Kerala Circle includes the Union Territory Pondicherry
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q12. Right to Information Act was formed
a.2005 b .2006 c. 2007
13. The word CPIO relates with
a. RTI Act b . Customer Care C RPLI
14. An ACG-67 receipt should be issued for collecting fee of Rs 100 in connection with submission of RTI application .
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
15 Appeals against the decisions of the Superintendent of Post for RTI Application is
a. Director Postal Services B. CPMG C Secretary,Department of Posts
Q1 The system was reorganized and the service opened to the general public by Warren Hastings first governor general of Bengal with supervisory powers over Bombay and Madras, in ------------.
a. 1874 b . 1898 c. 1774
Q2 EMS means
a. Express Mail Service b. Electronic Mail Service c. E enabled Mail Service
Q3 ------------------- service for sending parcels and large consignments across the nation and around the world.
a. Parcel b Media Post c . Logistic Post
Q4 . Money Order Videsh is a new offering of India Post to facilitate remittances to -----------
a. Foreign Countries b. within India c Both
Q5 The e-IOD service would be offered initially with ------
A Business Post b. Logistic Post c. Bill Mail Service
Q6 The bar code would contain 13 characters
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q7 For transfer of accounts- the depositor should apply in the prescribed form---------------
a. SB10(b) b. SB3 c .SB10(c)
Q8. When there is no transaction in an SB account continuously for -- financial years, the account will be treated as silent account.
a. 3 b. 2 c. 4
Q9 LSG/HSG offices can revive the accounts independently
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q10 In case of bouncing of cheque INR. ----/- is charges as service charge
a. 25 b.35 c.50
Q11 Premature closure after ----- year is allowed in SCSS
a. 1 b. 2. c. 5
Q12 India Post allows free transmission of blind literature packets up to ----- kilograms
a.8 b.7 c.9
Q13 Any parcel exceeding 4 kilograms in weight then registration is
a. Compulsory b . Not compulsory
Q14 All articles superscribed C/O POSTMASTER or in any other similar way are called ------------articles.
a. Postal b . poste restante c. priority
15 . The world’s first stamps were called the---------
a. Penny Blacks b Penny red c. Blacks Penny .
Model Question For Departmental Examination
Q1 Savings Bank Act -------------
a. 1874 b. 1888 c. 1873
Q2. Post office Savings Bank Mannuals – Volume I containing ----------------
a. Act and statutory rules b. procedural Rules on PO certificate c. Procedural Rules on Post office Savings bank
Q3 5 year Indira Vikas Patra Discontinued from-----------
a. 15.07.99 b. 15.05.2010 c. 16.03.99
Q4. Certificate of all types and denominations are printed at the Government of India security Press ----------------
a. Goa b. Delhi c. Nasik
Q5 Work of stocking and supply of certificates entrusted with -------------------
a. Postal stores depot b. Circle Stamp Depot .b Circle office
Q6 In Post office working on SB (LAN) the stock of certificate will remain with Postmaster and no working stock will be issued to counter .
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q7. Yearly Lists of Unsold certificates may be prepared on
a. 31st Dec of each year b. 31st March of each year c. 1st April of each year
Q8 A Minor can purchase the certificate through an adult ( any Person) or direct in his name
The above said statement is
a. True b. False
Q9 Fee for certificate of commission earned by agent
a. 5/- b. 10/- c. 1/-
Q10 The word “ negative List “ is related with
a. Time Deposit b. Certificates C. Saving Bank Account
What is the current rate of interest on savings accounts ?
3.5 %
How many single Savings accounts may be opened by an adult in his own name in any post office ?
Only Once
How many adults may open a joint savings account?
2 or 3
Where is the minimum age for opening a single savings account by a minor himself in his name
10 year
How many savings accounts can be opened by a minor in his own name ?
Only once
In which form the amount for opening a savings account can be presented whether by a cash or cheque or demand draft
By Cash
What is the fee for making nomination in a savings account first time ?
No Fee
What is the fee for getting the nomination altered in a savings account
One Rupee
In what manner the fee for getting the nomination cancelled in a savings account to be paid ?
A fee of Rs 1/- ( This will be paid in the shape of Postage Stamp and affixed on the application form)
How many times withdrawal can be made from a savings account standing at a BO in a day ?
Only Once
How many time withdrawal can be made from a savings account standing at HO or SO
Any number of times
Up to what amount payment order for withdrawal from savings account may be sanctioned by a Branch Postmaster ?
Rs 5000/-
What minimum balance should remain in a savings
account without cheque book after withdrawal
Rs 50 /-
What minimum balance should remain in a savings account with cheque book facility after withdrawal ?
Rs 500/-
Whether nomination facility is available in savings account opened in the name of a minor by his guardian
Whether a minor can appoint a messenger for making withdrawal from the savings account opened by him in his /her name ?
No, minor has to attend the post office personally to withdraw money from his/her account
Whether it is compulsory to present the pass book on the counter of the post office at the time of making withdrwal by cheque from a savings account with cheque book facility ?
What minimum amount may be withdrwan by a cheque from a cheque from savings account
Rs 20/-
While calculating interest in a single savings account, what may be the maximum IBB in a calander month ?
Rs 100000/-
While calculating interest in a joint savings account, what may be the maximum IBB in a calander month ?
Rs 200000/-
By which post office annual interest is calculated in savings account ?
After how many consecutive financial years without any trancsation a savings account is treated as silent account
3 years
Whether the amounts of annual interest affed in a savings account may be treated as transactions in that account ?
If in a savings account , the balance has reached prescribed maximum, whether it may be treated as silent account after no transaction having taken place during three consecutive financial year ?
What is the fee for issue of duplicate passbook of a savings account ?
Rs 10/-
Which office issues duplicate passbook of a savings account standing at department SO ?
Same SO where the accounts stands .
Whehter a pension savings account may be closed itself by LSG SO by calculating current year’s interest ?
No closure is to be permitted by HO
What is the fee for getting a savings account transferred from one post office to another PO
No Fee
Whether one of the depositors of a joint B savings account can get that account transferred from one post office to another by signing the application for transfer himself only?
No all the account holders are required to sign
Whether a savings account deceased depositor can be transferred from one post office to another
Whether a savings account which has been ordered to be closed , may be got transferred from one post office to another ?
How many persons can be nominated by the depositor of a savings account ?
Any number of persons can be nominated
Q1 The CCA Rules shall come into force on the --------------
1st December, 1965
Q2 The CCA rules shall apply to every Government servant including every civilian Government servant in the Defense Services, but shall not apply to any railway servant, as defined in Rule 102 of Volume I of the Indian Railways Establishment Code
The above said statement is
Q3 The CCA rules are not applicable for Extra-Departmental Agents in Postal Department
The above said statement is
Q4 An officer under suspension is regarded as subject to all other conditions of service applicable generally to Government servants and cannot t leave the station without prior permission.
The above said statement is
Q5 When will pay the subsistence Allowance to Central Government Employee
When a CGE is under suspension
Q6 A Government servant who was deemed to have been placed under suspension on account of his detention or on account of criminal proceedings against him should be paid ------------ pay and allowances for the period of suspension if he has been discharged from detention orhas been acquitted by a Court.
a. Full b. Half Answer a
Q8 Recognition to Service Associations representing Departmental employees in the Department of Posts is granted under the CCS (RSA) Rules, --------------
Q9 The Indian Post Office Act ---------
Q10 The Government Savings Banks Act -----------
Q11 The Government Savings Certificates Act-----------
Q12 The Post Office Savings Bank General Rules
Q13 The Post Office Recurring Deposit Rules
Q14 National Savings Scheme Rules
Q15 Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Rules
Q16 Indira Vikas Patra Rules
Q17 National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue) Rules
Q18 Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004
Q19 RFD means
Result Framework Documents
Q20 P&AO means
Pay and Accounts Office
Class of Bag
Account Bag
Accounting Docments, Cash/Stamps ( Exchage Between HO- SO)
Branch Office bag
Accounting Documents , Cash/Stamps and mail Exchanged between A/C office – BO
Station Mail Bag
Mail Bag without parcel List
Letter Bag
Unregistered mails On ly
Station Mail Bag
Mail bag with parcel List from RMS to PO
Parcel Bag
Regd/VP Parcels/insured Bag
Packet bag
Empty Canvas Bag Exchanged between PO and RMS
Regd Bag
Regd/VP Letters, Ins Envelope , MOS
Regd Packet Bag
Bulk Regd/VP Packets
Sorting Mail bag
Mail Bag with Parcel List from PO to RMS
Speed Post Bag
Speed Post articles /Spe Post Mos
Transit Bag
Several bags with Mail List intendend to give protection and reduce number of bags
MO1( H )
Book of MO(HO)
Book of MO (SO)
MO 51
VPMO form
Prelimanary receipt to be issued by a Postmaster when savings certificates applied for are not available (HO)
NC -4 ( a)
Prelimanary receipt to be issued by a Postmaster when savings certificates applied for are not available (SO)
NC- 51
Form of application for nomination
Application form for cancellation of varation or variation of nomination
NC- 60
PO Certificate claim aplication
NC -61
Bond of Identiity
Form of application for purchase of KVP
Application for purchase of NSC VIII Issue
Customers Decleration form
RP-36( Medium)
Insured envelope
Axknowledgement Card
VP article Receipt
RP- 58
Delivery Slip
Speical Journal ( Parcel Branch)
Speical Journal ( Registration Branch)
Savings Bank Pass Book
SB -5 (g)
Recurring Bank Pass Book
SB -5 (h)
Time deposit Pss Book
SB -5 (J)
Public provident fund pass Book
SB -5 (k)
Pass Book for security Account
SB-5 (q)
MIS Pass Book
Specimen Signature Book
Application for withdrawal
Indeminity Bond
Prelimenary Receipt
Pay –in Slip
Public provident ledger cards
ACG -2
Treasures Cash Book
Sub office Summary
ACG -1
HO summary
Heaf Office Cash Book
Memo of Authorised Balance
Memo of Monthly Cash Balance
Bill for provisional pension/family pension/DCRG/Gratuity
History Sheet
Docket form
Register of Complaints
Acknowledgement of Complaints
Intimation of transfer of compliants
Disposal of Public complaints
Verification memo of services
Form D
Nomination for death cum retirment gratuity
List of Void MOS
Customs decleration form
Application for final withdrawal from GPF
Application for PLI Loan
LI-10 (a)
Proposal for PLI
Mail List
Check Slip
Test Post card
Redirection Slip
List of Void money order
Stock Book of IPOs
Journal of Indian Postal orders sold
Journal of Indian Postal Paid
Error Book
Book of Post marks
Postman ‘s Book
Service Book
Advice of payment of cash certificates
Journal of PO Certificate issued (HO)
Journal of PO Certificate
Journal of PO certificate Discharged
Journal of PO Certificate Discharged (s)